




Toast can produce and deliver video for a variety of device and platforms.


This medium is one of the most alluring ways to attract a customers potential buying power.

Digital content for promotion embedded into your social media to current and future customers.

Short films for demonstration or education will train staff, inform customers in special events. Promoting new services or products with video. Expose new potential clients in a way that combines moving elements with auditory components.

Toast Media can cut existing footage or generate new. Clients can approach Toast with raw footage and have it edited.

Toast has the facility to work with many hand held media players and can make great social media leads.


Video used to be for the big boys and only limited to massive budgets



Animated sequences for all digital content created in 2D or 3D.

Toast has the video resources you need and can make it possible for you to compete with major branding and produce your profile and ideas in the video arena.

A video production with Toast can far exceed the expectations of a huge scale required many years ago to produce something on par with much larger budgets.

Toast Production can work with in-house clients with their own video suites and external film makers.

We can compliment your existing footage with rich visual media and add shine to the film stock you have already collated, created or sourced.  

We can also supply new content, special effects as well as textual based animations for key areas of existing video. 



Toast can also convert footage for you to any medium on the web.



Digital or Organic. Human crafted, animated by hand or computer assisted content.

A lot of clients approach Toast with a working concept. The elements required for animation have been pre selected and the process has been thought out in a descriptive manner.

Some projects already have existing elements designed, all that is required, is the animated process bringing them to life.

This reduces the cost factor as the media is already to go.

Other projects need to have the elements built from scratch as well as the animation process.

Toast can work as a special effects suite and can compliment an existing film project by adding key scenes once not thought of as previously possible with the original script.


Mange your entire project from initial brief to final post production processes.